Are you an artistic dreamer? If the answer is yes, we are kindred spirits. But we all start somewhere, don’t we? Although I’ve been drawing and painting for decades, the groundwork was laid at “Tall Timbers,” my parent’s home in Keighley, which is a small village in Yorkshire, England.
Our quiet cul-de-sac and backyard tucked into a magnificent forest. Think trees and lush plants dotted with trumpet-shaped English bluebells. Gazing at their deep-violet blooms may have birthed my love for vibrant colors. Surrounded by nature, I delighted in watching rabbits frolic and deer pause to lap up the cool, clear water from the stream running through our back garden.
Our family immigrated to South Africa when I was five years old. Growing up in Johannesburg provided the opportunity to explore the botanical gardens and soak in the beauty of nature. It was there that I developed a crazy obsession with flowers. And, like most young children, I loved animals of every species, especially dogs. These passions remain locked deep in my soul and transfer to my art.
Next came love, marriage, and a transition to Cape Town. My spouse and I built a home on the foothills of a mountain. We viewed a vast mountain range, the valley below, and the brilliant blue sea in the distance. My love and I created a garden filled with flora and fauna, which attracted birds like eagles, owls, and the beloved guinea fowl.
A few years ago, we moved to the United States. Our Florida condo overlooks the Atlantic Ocean. The 12th-floor elevation provides a bird’s eye view of pelicans, seagulls, and majestic eagles. Looking out to the ocean, I can spot sharks, schools of fish, and Loggerhead and Leatherback turtles during the nesting season. Due to these blessings, I am never at a loss for artistic inspiration.